An official website of the Akwesasne government


This section honors the various nations that formally recognize the Ierahkwa as an independent and sovereign entity.

Through these recognitions, we celebrate the international acknowledgment of our cultural heritage, political autonomy, and our enduring legacy as a powerful and unified confederation. Within the hallowed walls of government libraries, we find the tangible evidence of our sovereignty. Ancient manuscripts, treaties, and artifacts speak volumes about the enduring spirit and legitimacy of our existence.

The Eagle and Condor Convention

The Eagle and Condor Convention is an intercultural initiative that promotes the exchange of ancestral knowledge between the indigenous cultures of North and South America to foster unity and sustainability.


The Hakkas are a ethnic group, known for their migration history and distinctive culture, with a rich linguistic and culinary heritage and a strong community identity.

Kingdom Of Barotseland

The Kingdom of Barotseland, also known as the Barotse tribe, is an indigenous Zambian community recognized for its rich cultural heritage and ancestral traditions.

Sovereign Alibomas Kituwah Nation

The Sovereign Alibomas Kituwah Nation seeks to preserve its culture, traditions and autonomy. They are working to strengthen their identity and create strategic alliances in different areas, such as trade and education.