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The Peacemaker’s Journey

Follow the legendary story of the Peacemaker who brought the message of unity and peace to the Iroquois nations.

The Peacemaker, known as Deganawida, is a central figure in Iroquois history. His journey to unite the warring Iroquois nations under the Great Law of Peace is a legendary tale of vision, perseverance, and diplomacy.

The Vision of Peace

According to Iroquois oral tradition, Deganawida, a Huron by birth, received a divine vision to bring peace to the Iroquois nations. He traveled to each of the warring nations to spread his message of peace and unity. His main ally, Hiawatha, a Mohawk who had also suffered personal losses due to intertribal conflicts, became his spokesperson and helped to convey his teachings.

The Challenges

Deganawida faced significant challenges, including resistance from powerful war chiefs and the deep-seated enmity between the nations. One of the most formidable opponents was Tadodaho, an Onondaga chief known for his cruelty and opposition to peace. Through persistence and the persuasive efforts of Hiawatha, Tadodaho was eventually convinced to embrace the Great Law of Peace.

The Establishment of the Confederacy

The culmination of Deganawida’s efforts was the establishment of the Iroquois Confederacy. The Tree of Peace, symbolizing the unity of the nations, was planted, and the weapons of war were buried beneath it. This powerful symbol marked the beginning of a new era of peace and cooperation among the Iroquois nations.

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